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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Show And Tell

 Lots to share on this early morning.  Gathering up my photos from the last couple weeks to share and comment on.

An announcement from Ripley yesterday is that she will be teaching only "new" people who come into HNT and they will learn the basics on the beginner scarf:  which is how to cast on, knit, purl, a few stitches like YO and M1, decrease and bind off.  Reading simple patterns.  So no more Group KALS (KnitAlongs) The group has grown to overload and people do not knit at the same speed or comprehension.   Now that you all know how to knit and are reading simple patterns you are fledglings and ready to fly.  Utilize the tools and tutorials on Ravelry and You Tube and Craftsy.  The answers are out there!

Above in the rainbow colors are two of the Multnomah shawls, one is Ripleys' and the other is mine - they appear so different in size but we measured them and they are the same! The colors do make the eye preceive them as different sizes - intersting.

Jessica finished a clasp purse - its amazing how this knitted up and now its ready for its liner.
 Another amazing accomplishment from Jessica who has finished up all the sides of her purse project and another liner is ready for the finishing touches.  By the way, Jessica is 13, self taught from books and a few little coaching helps from Ripley.  
 A couple Friday's ago one of our newer friends came in with a clip board that just took my eye.  All decked out in beads and odd buttons - this is so lovely I just had to share it - I want one!   Time to begin a little collection adventure so I can make one.

 Rainbow Multnomah with beads.  Some of our friends are adding stripes to their shawls and I cant wait to see them.  I think you could knit 10 of these and none would look like the same pattern by changing out the yarn and colors.  I got asked again about the beads - the tool I posted on the blog a few weeks ago and its called Fleegle Beader from Gossimer Webs over on Etsy along with a tutorial on how to use it.   I love the beads and plan to do MORE eventually.
 I almost frogged this little Cowl.  Its a pattern on Ravelry called Zuzu's Petals.   The color is called Guppy, and Deacon is modeling it for me.   I thought it was to small, didn't block right and didn't like the edge then.......
 and then it blossomed!I love it, and to think I almost didn't finish it up.   I wanted to say that its a good idea if you can to weight your yarn.  I used less than half a ball knitting this up, so I know that I have enough to make another one out of the same ball or something that I can use 62 grams of yarn with.   You can weight with ounces or grams, I have a weight watchers scale but a postal scale will work too, or a dyers scale.  Mark your finished and half used balls so you know what you have left to work with for stripes and smaller projects.
 Gloria finished her Downton Hat!  Its SO pretty and guess who bought more yarn for another hat!  You guessed it, Gloria is on to #2!
 Wazie brought in one of her UO's  -  that is Unfinished Object, of her hand spun yarns.  Drat I got a bad shot of this...this is all one batch of spinning fiber that has knitted up like this, she has not changed colors. 
Another FO or Finished Object and another Multnoma.   Again you would not know its the same pattern with all the different colors.  Nice job!

Last:  I am not sure I will keep writing this blog.  First off its a free labor of love.    It started as a way to help get Ripleys class info out regarding patterns and projects.    Now with so many people knitting at such different skill levels, different interests in yarns, patterns and time available to work on something to completion  the original objective has been lost.   

I wonder if the blog is useful?  I wonder why when I ask people if they read the blog they say no, and why when I ask if they go to Ravelry or You Tube for answers they say no and I just keep asking myself why?     So if the blog is not useful, what would be, and why am I spending so much time on it?     Oh the questions of the Universe are upon me!
Keep the needles busy.

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